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Here are foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids in relation to total fat content.

Nutrients and calories on this page are measured per 100 grams of the respective food.
Food Carb g Prot g Fats g Fiber g Cals Details
Fish, tilapia, raw020.081.70.096
Fish, tilapia, cooked, dry heat026.152.650.0128
Beans, baked, canned, plain or vegetarian21.144.750.374.194
Beans, baked, canned, with pork and sweet sauce21.125.291.444.2112
Beans, baked, canned, with pork and tomato sauce18.695.150.934.094
Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, canned15.545.260.365.484
Peanut butter with omega-3, creamy1724.4754.176.1608
Bagels, plain, toasted, enriched, with calcium propionate (includes onion, poppy, sesame)57.1111.141.722.6288
Muffins, blueberry, commercially prepared (Includes mini-muffins)49.545.2819.241.7393
Fish, halibut, raw, with skin (Alaska Native)020.532.920.0108
Fish, salmon, coho (silver), raw (Alaska Native)1.2522.565.570.0145
Steelhead trout, dried, flesh (Shoshone Bannock)
Steelhead trout, boiled, canned (Alaska Native)
Fish, halibut, cooked, with skin (Alaska Native)022.132.730.0113
Flaxseed oil001000.0884
Oil, corn and canola001000.0884

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